Thursday, January 26, 2012

Sunshine and freckles

Sunshine is something that I have loved well, since the beginning of my memory. Freckles, I have learned to love as I entered my teens. When you combine the two I become a happy spotted women. Ha, I have to laugh when I think about that.

Yes of course my freckles got me a little teasing and taunting, even comments often by adults, but when puberty hit, they were a blessing. If I broke out, it was REALLY hard to tell, freckles also work as a nice camouflage!

After our excursion yesterday to Shell Isle to do some pretty awesome shell picking if I do say so myself, I am definitely a blissfully freckled and somewhat tan person. My bones have been warmed as they say and I am preparing to face the remainder of winter in the frigid north, okay so maybe not so frigid this year. (Ice fishing may have to be done from a dock or in a boat.)

I can't help it, I want to begin planning all of our summer outings the moment I step foot in my front door, but I think it would be best if I pace myself. It will be the first year in a few we have an entire family that can walk on their own! I know, to some, you are thinking, um what the heck does that mean, but to all of the mothers reading this, you know EXACTLY what I mean. We can hike, camp, swim, run, jump, bike (with a trailer), and whatever other adventurous activity I can dream up in the immense amount of free time I don't have. I can feel my heart rate going up just thinking about the adventures we are going to have. I can't wait to share the world with my children every day.

Okay, so maybe I am not really preparing myself for the winter as much as preparing myself for the end of it. Hey, I got spoiled with a mild winter before we headed south, and then REALLY spoiled when I was given the chance to stay south, because my awesome husband is the absolute best there is!
I need to take some time tonight and plan our activities for the remainder of the cold, going on the assumption we will actually have freezing temps, and more than just a dusting of snow.

When I think about cold weather activities, I do actually smile, as long as I see myself bundled up in appropriate attire nice, warm, comfy, sledding 40MPH down the sugar bowl (sorry if you aren't from my area you won't get that reference, for those that are, see you in the dunes in t-minus 5 days.) I really wonder what I love to do most in the winter, there are many things I like to do, ice fish, ice skate, ski, sled, ski behind a 4-wheeler(kids do NOT try that with out mom and dad!!!), watch the extra large snow flakes float down to earth, dig a fort, build a snow igloo, this list could go on for a few days. I have to say my favorite is something that was discovered in recent years, and I have not been able to do yet this year because of lack of snow and that is snow shoe. I love it! I love how quietly and easily you can walk through the snow in the forest and see all the splendor. If you choose a sunny, albeit cold day, you can see all of natures little critters searching for a bit to eat, or just basking in the rays. Great exercise as well, and I always feel like I can focus and get back to the important things after taking a trip on my snow shoes. So welcome winter finally! Will you be staying long?
I know, it seems like forever since I have posted on any of my blogs. I had a tiny disagreement with Google, I have finally forgave and forgot and am ready to resume my blogs again. I thought since I am sitting in the sunny state of Florida at this time, and relaxing on a special extended vacation, thank you husband, I should start with my adventures blog.

Look for a wonderful sun filled post later today.